So Nimm Denn Meine Hande...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A few notes:

Yeah, here's a few notes on places you need to scope out:

A- Pastor John MacArthur has a blog. It's been pounding through the topic of creationism for the last week, and I've been jumping on board there a bit. In case you missed the link on my sidebar (and I need to do some, uh, housekeeping with my, go HERE to check it out. All you Toon Towners need to check it out.

B - The Theophorist has a new blog, now that he's back from his time working in Korea. He's always got something to say worth reading, and that reading can be done here.

C - The dynamic duo of Colorature Christian and Cowboyology have teamed up for a husband and wife Double Deuce called Blessed Union. Once, a long time ago, I helped teach her to drive. Now, a few years later (or is it decades?), they're both teaching me how to live. From what I hear, things are going amazing in that tiny church in Blackie, Alberta! (I think I've seen that website before too...but I wish there were more than three churches in Alberta with that kinda content!)

F - Yeah. F. In the game of life, some people recently scored on their own net. A few individuals, who hate truth SO much that they have to lash out at it with violence, MAY have hacked and crashed 4Ever4Given's blog...either way, it was dead for a few days but now it's back up. PTL!

Okay. I'm off to bed. Morning comes early and I need my beauty sleep...well, I need my sleep! HA! Until Next Time,

The Armchair Theologian

PS - This is my first time doing a 'weekly blogspot' or whatever. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this, so how did I do? HA!


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